Saturday, November 29, 2008

pilar then and now

I cannot believe how much my little baby has grown and changed. These two videos show just how much. In the first video she is just two weeks old! Now she is three months old! Pilar has started smiling and laughing! Last night she was laughing in her crib while I changed her and I started tickling her, and she giggled and giggled, how cute!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

the graduates

today was my graduation from architecture school and I was lucky enough to have Pilar with me to see me graduate! she slept through most of the ceremony with grandma sharen and grampa mark, but she didn't cry once. we even went to my faculty building to say hi to some teachers and staff. what a great memory, and I look forward to the day she completes or accomplishes her dreams.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

hola chica

today aunty Heather gave Pilar a new embroidered dress that she bought on her recent trip to mexico, it looks great on her! with pants she looks kind of 70's hippy chic. mi hija lo mas linda del mundo!

Monday, November 17, 2008

photo of the day

This photo was actually taken last week, but you know time seems to escape me every day I try to get to the computer. For example last night every time Pilar fell asleep in my lap and I put her in her crib to sleep, she would wake up, see me, and start laughing. She did that three times before I gave in and took her to bed with us.

Anyhoo, here is one of her best faces...poop face!

mommy time

I love my time with Pilar, she's my little sugarpie, sweetpea, angel, valentine...what can I say, being a mom is the best feeling in the world!

pilar + friends

These days Pilar loves sucking on her hands and hugging her Sophie the giraffe!

family photo

Friday, November 14, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

prenatal reunion

a few weeks ago I took Pilar to her prenatal reunion class to meet all the other babies. unfortunately sergio couldn't come because he was sick. The babies were so funny to watch all together...Pilar sucked on the arm of Teyt, the little girl on the left, and she poked the ear of Dylan, the big boy on the right! it was great to see everyone again and hear about everyone's birth experiences. in case you don't know which one is Pilar, she is wearing the buttercup top and looking right at the camera!

photo of the day

Saturday, November 8, 2008

mommy + daddy

Pilar had her special time with both her mommy and daddy tonight, what a lucky girl!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

animal friends

these black and white cards are Pilar's new mobile, a gift from grandma.  she is loving her new animal friends.

tummy tub

tonight we decided to let Pilar try out her tummy tub...and she loved it! we tried her in it when she was a week old but decided she was too small for it, and it's hard if she can't hold her head up. she is holding her head up now at nine weeks with a little help. the shape of the tub was designed to mimic the uterine experience. babies fit in this tub in the fetal position and their bodies are covered to their neck with warm water...what a lovely place to be!
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