Saturday, March 28, 2009

ann y pili

Some photos after swimming, me and my little doll relaxing, and watching traffic drive by! We're both in our sweat pants, how cute. Look at her little bum! 

little swimmer

Today Pilar had her first swimming lesson! Woohoo! She didn't love it, but she didn't cry either. The water probably felt cold, and let's face it, the pool is way bigger than the tub. It must seem like an ocean to her. We were instructed to let them try kicking their legs on their tummies and their backs. And also to try blowing bubbles in the water, which Pilar wouldn't do. She was way more interested in watching the grannies in the lap lane bobbing up and down wearing strange hats and goggles. She's an observer that's for sure. We are in the class with some other moms and babies we know. Barb and her baby Kiera are from our prenatal class. Tonight we tried blowing bubbles in the bath, and she tried! She actually put her face in the water, and I could tell she was holding her breath because she made the same face she makes when I blow on her face. That is apparently the technique to get babies to hold their breath in the water, you are supposed to blow on their face before submerging them. Not sure if we'll get to that or not, but I thought that was interesting. Anyway, she did it three times in the bath tonight, and after each time she blew a raspberry and giggled. So while her photos in the pool show a rather pensive face, I think it left a positive impression on her. Yay!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

bubble arms

Well, I don't know if you are tired of these posts or not, I am realizing now that they don't show much action, mainly just Pilar posing on our couch on different days, in different outfits, with different little friends. I guess it's partly because she isn't mobile yet, hence she can only just sit around and make funny or cute faces for your entertainment. The weather is also crappy so we haven't been outside much. But there is something different about these photos I assure you...she is wearing a short sleeve onesie and is showing off her bubble arms!!! Raplapla makes an appearance too. At one point she is also tired of the photo shoot and tries to grab the camera from me. I don't blame her! But hey, I'm just being a mom!

picture perfect

Beautiful girl. 

Friday, March 20, 2009


Yesterday Pilar was hanging out with her HaBa caterpillar from Sarah. She's had this toy for a while now, but has just discovered it's qualities. The wood feels great on her gums, the elastic is chewy, and when pulled and snapped back it makes great noise. Great toy! Pilar has been pretty out of sorts the last two days, and we think she is teething and gassy! We have cut out the prunes for now, lol.

more prunes

So the second day we tried prunes, she was actually reaching for the spoon and dish before we even offered them to her. Great! However as you can see from the photos, more excitement=more mess! But I am happy to report she actually did a great job of eating the prunes this time.


Well well well! The day has finally come to feed the star solid foods! We actually tried a few weeks ago with a bottle and she liked that for about three days, then refused it. Then we tried rice cereal which she didn't like either. So we waited...and when we tried again we decided to try prunes, and here are the results! She took her first few tastes with a spoon, leaving the cutest little mustache. That cute little mustache grew into a fury of prune residue on everything! As you can see from the photos, she loved playing with the new food (and utensils) and she actually did eat some. But somehow she was also a little suspicious of the food, and the whole experience, and could only look to dad in the end to save her! We went straight to the bath afterward, and an early bedtime...hooray!

swan chair

Here she is at grandma and grandpa's house, sitting on their blue swan chair. She is wearing a little jacket that was a gift from Amada and Macho, her great aunt and uncle in Miami. The wrists have little ribbons to tie a bow, and she spent most of the day try to catch the ribbons. Each time she moved her hand to catch it, it moved with her hand, lol. 
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