Monday, November 9, 2009

office lady

so in our new apartment, sergio and i set up a long desk with a set drawers in the middle that we both share. inside we keep our office supplies, cables for computers, etc. well pilar has become our little office assistant. she LOVES to rummage through all the drawers, but we let her root through just one of them. She spends hours picking up each thing, inspecting it, biting it, then hucking it on the floor. I put them all away before lunch, and she takes them all out again after lunch. same thing before and after dinner, after her bath and before bed. we have tried to encourage her to draw with the colored pencils but she just eats the paper! she really just loves to scavenge... and huck... scavenge and huck. mi ninia linda!

movin' on up

when pilar discovered we have a step ladder she was all over it, literally! she could not just crawl on by this thing, she had to crawl up it. and when she got to the top she always would do this little dance, reminiscent of her pole dancing days on our old kitchen island. just like with the toilet, if i cannot hear pilar tootling around making her raspberries etc, i know she is up to no good. if she is not flushing the toilet, she is trying to pull this step ladder out of the closet. if it is out, she's on it! in these photos we let her have some fun on it after a bath. love the housecoat!

Friday, November 6, 2009


i love my little pili ♥.

party in the bathroom

this is pilar's absolute favorite place to run off and get into trouble, the bathroom. well standing between the bathtub and the toilet to be exact. first of all it's a small little space perfect for her size. secondly, the toilet flusher is there, and this is what draws her in from far and wide. she can't get enough of flushing the toilet! sometimes she doesn't flush it, she just pushes the lever back and forth gently so it doesn't flush. when i don't hear her tootling around and making all her babbling and driving a car noises, i know where to look, she is usually here! i think she is asking you to join in the bathroom!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

potty training

well the time has come to start potty training! this was the first attempt at testing the waters, and as you can see pilar had a delightful time sitting on her own little 'chair'. after we wake up, we take off her diaper and pajamas, and get her all cozy in this pretty house coat from bibiana and fernando (muchas gracias), then we sit her down with her favorite little friend 'the lady' a fisher price toy that was once mine, she's actually wooden! and of course we can't forget reading material, like dora the explorer for example, for a little bilingual reading! and voila...a the POTTY! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. this is my life people, when you are standing in line waiting for your starbucks, i'm waiting for pilar to poop all civilized. and then i get to clean the potty! o joys!

the progress of a smile

ok back to the updates! here is pilar going from 0 to 60 in 2 seconds! look at those little teeth! munch munch munch. she actually went through a let's-bite-mommy-at-any-chance-I-get phase. it was painful, and yes she bit me while breastfeeding. but she also bit me on the arm while she got dressed, on my nose, and my fingers...ouch! most of the time it seemed like she was trying to kiss, but bit instead. my mom suggested i start to pretend crying in order to teach her empathy. well that made her laugh hysterically. I guess I am a very bad actress. luckily that phase passed quickly!  

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