Monday, February 22, 2010

favorite place

well here is Pilar showing you her current favorite place to hang around...the fridge! and why not, it's cool (literally), has lot's to touch and feel, and of course eat. she can't open the door herself yet, thank god, but she scoots in just as soon as the door opens. 

she actually knows that when I'm making lunch or dinner, she will probably be able to sneak in here, and that's what she does. she pretends to be playing in the other room, like the fridge is no big deal, then when I'm standing at the sink and not looking she sneaks in, and I mean IN, she sits on the bottom ledge as you can see in the photos! she spends a lot of time sorting through all the veggies and fruits. she points to each thing and I tell her what it's called. milk. water. juice. mustard. peanut butter, etc.

while we are on the theme of food, let me list off for you some of Pilar's favorites:
raisins, chicken, apples, salmon, crackers, bread, and blueberries. 

you can also see her new juicy leisure suit, thanks nic!

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